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Learn more about the K-3 Proficiency Project and the gains you can realize – as a teacher, administrator, parent, philanthropic investor, or community member.

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Questions & Answers

What is K-3 Innovation (K-3i)?

K-3 Innovation is an independent nonprofit organization supporting the current and future implementations of the K-3 Proficiency Project.

What are the major components of the K-3 Proficiency Project?

The K-3 Proficiency Project is based on four integrated components:
1) adaptive technology and one to one devices for every K-3 student,
2) use of student data to inform instruction,
3) one-on-one weekly coaching for teachers, and
4) building a school culture supportive of professional learning communities.

How much does it cost to bring the K-3 Proficiency Project to my school?

The K-3 Proficiency Project is two-year committed partnership. The first year is considered the implementation year. Our Academic Specialists we work with K-3 teachers in their classrooms every week throughout the year. We get to know students, teachers, and administrators well, building trust that leads to improved learning. Trained aides provide classroom support during scheduled adaptive online learning time, allowing teachers to provide targeted small group intervention. The second year is considered the transitional year. K-3 Innovation provides consultation support as the school staff transitions to sustaining the Project practices introduced in the first year for ongoing student improvement results. K-3i provides funding for the implementation and sustaining costs within year one and year two.
Active fidelity and school engagement in the sustaining year results in schools continuing student improvement and project costs on their own.

What educational technology is used?

We use adaptive technology to support differentiated math and literacy skills. We have experience using a variety
of adaptive online learning programs including Lexia to support early reading skill development and Dreambox to support foundational math skills. Each student needs one-on-one access to a device such as an iPad, Chromebook, or other user-friendly hardware.

How are partner-schools selected?

The leadership and staff at K-3 Innovation use an established criteria to identify and select partner-schools. To initially qualify, a school needs to demonstrate a high need (at least 50% of 3rd graders are performing below proficiency in reading and math) and commitment to support the two-year implementation timeline and ongoing program sustainment. We are looking for a good match in terms of need and long-term commitment to the model.

What exactly will our school receive if we are selected as a partner-school?

Each partner-school receives Academic Specialists who provide personalized instructional coaching for all K-3 teachers. Adaptive online reading and math programs are provided to schools needing one or both learning platforms. Trained aides provide classroom support during scheduled adaptive online learning time allowing teacher to provide targeted small group intervention.